
Oh, really now

By Puckhound
Hockey Hounds Universe editor

Though I wasn't a witness to either incident, but am relying on Hockey Bay Hounds I trust, it seems that Boston's Tuukka Rask, above, and Shawn Thornton, at left, had a case of the potty-mouths Tuesday during their stay here in Hockey Bay.

Thankfully, both incidents took place far, far away from young, tender ears and, from what I was told, were directed at the adult hounds and a handful of dealers requesting autographs.

In Thornton's case, it was a blanket statement toward everyone as a group of Bruins, heading off to the morning skate, were unsuccessful in avoiding a crowd of hounds: "You guys are (expletive deleted) annoying!"

Little did Thornton realize, perhaps as a result of one too many punches to his kisser, that most Hockey Bay Hounds took that as a compliment. I would've thanked him.

Later, another Hockey Bay Hound told me through Facebook that Thornton and Rask were surly at bus time at the team's hotel, to the point of cussing at hounds. I didn't get the details, nor would I really want to know. To be honest, I wasn't even surprised.

Either way, these actions by Rask and Thornton were truly unprofessional.

Really, all they had to do was say "no" and go about their merry way. Or, they could have repeated what they did when Colin approached both after the morning skate, and ask for a hound's first name so each could personalize their autographs.

To collectors like us, it's not a big deal. Dealers? Well, I can't speak for them.

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